Alerts are dialog boxes that the user can make disappear.
Surface rules! That is all.
<div class="alert-wrap">
<input type="checkbox" id="alert-check">
<label for="alert-check">CLOSE</label>
<div class="alert">
<p>Surface rules! That is all.</p>
Animations bring your page to life.
There are 4 classes for fading in.
<div class="fade-in-from-top">
I fade in from the top
<div class="fade-in-from-left">
I fade in from the right
You can delay an animation for up to 10 seconds.
The suffixes go up to 100. 5 is 0.5s, 25 is 2.5s and so on.
<div class="fade-in-from-top anim-delay--5">
I have 0.5s delay
<div class="fade-in-from-left anim-delay--50">
I have a 5s delay
Buttons are essential web elements for interaction.
There are 3 different types of button.
By default, the flat and the raised buttons are the $primary variable color and the floating button is the $accent variable. If you want a specific color, there are 7 different colors.
<button class="btn--flat">Flat</button>
<button class="btn--float">+</button>
<button class="btn--raised">Raised</button>
<button class="btn--raised btn--green">Green</button>
<button class="btn--raised btn--blue">Blue</button>
<button class="btn--raised btn--accent">Accent</button>
Cards and tiles are fundamental components of Google's Material Design guidelines.
<div class="card">
I'm a card!
<div class="tile">
I'm a tile!
Have information that the user might want be don't want it cluttering up the page if they don't want it? Use a collapsible.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas ornare elit aliquet, eleifend eros a, viverra nibh. Suspendisse rhoncus sed sem quis placerat. Maecenas sed malesuada ipsum, vel luctus odio. Morbi quis orci eu nisl consequat molestie. Suspendisse tempor nulla sapien, non mattis nibh mollis in.
Cras lobortis elit sem, ut vulputate nisl aliquet vitae. Fusce luctus orci tincidunt, efficitur arcu nec, mattis tellus. Praesent mollis laoreet nibh in consectetur. Ut facilisis nunc eget lectus consequat, sed auctor nibh dapibus. Nam erat velit, eleifend quis gravida ac, cursus ut tellus. Praesent ut dui justo.
Donec efficitur condimentum lacus, ut efficitur libero pretium quis. Donec accumsan, dolor id congue vulputate, ante lacus consectetur mauris, sit amet aliquet turpis nunc vitae tortor.
If you want a collapsible to be open by default, simply add the checked attribute to the input. For example, the left hand navigation is checked to be open when in the documentation.
<div class="collapsible-wrap card no-pad">
<input type="checkbox" id="collapsible-1">
<label for="collapsible-1">Collapsible 1</label>
<div class="collapsible-1-area">
<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.</p>
<div class="collapsible-wrap card no-pad">
<input type="checkbox" id="collapsible-2">
<label for="collapsible-2">Collapsible 2</label>
<div class="collapsible-2-area">
<p>Cras lobortis elit sem.</p>
<div class="collapsible-wrap card no-pad">
<input type="checkbox" id="collapsible-3">
<label for="collapsible-3">Collapsible 3</label>
<div class="collapsible-3-area">
<p>Donec efficitur condimentum lacus.</p>
Use the .bg-- class suffixed with your color of choice.
<div class="tile bg--pink">Pink</div>
Use the .color-- class suffixed with your color of choice.
<div class="tile color--pink">Pink</div>
Use a footer to show extra information or links that aren't necessary elsewhere.
Simply use the HTML5 footer element.
<footer class="g--10 m--2 no-margin-vertical">
<div class="g--10 m--1">
Some footer information
Form elements.
The following elements need only for you to use the HTML5 elements.
<input type="text" required placeholder="Username">
<input type="password" required placeholder="Password">
<input type="checkbox">
<input type="radio" name="radio">
<input type="radio" name="radio">
<input type="radio" name="radio">
<input type="range">
The following elements need to be used as the code shows, in order and with classes.
<input type="checkbox" class="toggle" id="toggle">
<label for="toggle"></label>
The grid system is the basis of Surface layouts.
The grid system by default is 12 columns wide. This can be changed in the _variables file by altering the $grid-columns variable.
To give an element a grid size, use the class .g-- suffixed by the size of the grid. For example, .g--5 g-s--12 will be 5/12ths wide.
To make your grid elements responsive, include the breakpoint classes listed below. The breakpoint sizes can be changed in the _variables file.
<div class="g--5 g-s--12">
I'm a g--5 g-s--12
<div class="g--1 g-m--4 g-t--12">
I'm a g--1 at regular size, g--4 at medium and g--12 at tiny size.
The margins work exactly the same as the grid system. Each m--1 is equal size to a g--1
To give an element a margin, use the class .m-- suffixed by the size of the margin. For example, .m--3 will push your element along a quart of the grid (assuming you have a 12 column grid).
To make your margins responsive, include the breakpoint classes listed below. The breakpoint sizes can be changed in the _variables file.
<div class="m--3">
I have a 3 grid wide margin
<div class="m--1 m-s--5">
I have a 1 grid wide margin at regular size and a m--5 at small size.
Containers are a way of display elements that are usually block level inline. A container has the display flex declaration. Such as displaying divs next to each other. It also gets rid of those pesky gaps between inline-blocks.
To add a container class simply use the .container class. The following suffixes will control where the elements align vertically.
<div class="container g--6">
<div class="g--5 g-s--12 tile">
We're in a container
<div class="g--5 g-s--12 tile">
We're in a container
You can also apply flex-wrap: wrap to your containers at different breakpoints with the following classes.
<div class="container container--wrap--t g--6">
<div class="g--5 g-s--12 tile">
This container wraps at the tiny breakpoint
Sometimes 1 margin space is too big. That's what nudges are for. Use the .nudge--left and .nudge--right classes. These classes have a margin on their respective side that gets smaller as the screen width gets smaller. Particularly useful for buttons and smaller elements.
You can remove the nudges at small screen sizes using the following classes.
<button class="btn--flat">Flat</button>
<button class="btn--float nudge--left nudge--right">+</button>
<button class="btn--raised">Raised</button>
<div class="card nudge--left nudge--right no-nudge--s">
I have a nudge left and right, but no nudge when smaller than the small breakpoint size.
Headers display titles, website names, navigation and logos.
You can see an example of a header at the top of this page
Simply use the HTML5 header element.
<header class="container">
<h1 class="m--1 g--4">Header</h1>
A lightbox is used to display images without other distractions.
Use a checkbox, followed by a label with your img inside. Be sure to make your lightboxes have different numbered suffixes.
<input type="checkbox" id="lightbox-1">
<label for="lightbox-1"><amp-img src="" width="600" height="400" layout="responsive"></amp-img></label>
We all know what links are, right?
Check out this amazing website
Simply use the HTML a tag.
<a href=""></a>
Images, video and audio.
Simply use the required HTML tag, img, video or audio.
By default, all media will be 100% width of their parent
<amp-img src="" width="600" height="400" layout="responsive"></amp-img>
Modals are pop out peices of information.
<div class="g--4">
<input type="checkbox" id="modal-1">
<label class="modal-trigger" for="modal-1">Modal Link</label>
<div class="modal-content g--4">
<p>Lorem ipsum dolor.</p>
Navigation systems are the fundamental method of moving around a website.
An example of a horizontal navigation bar can be found at the top of this page.
An example of a super vertical navigation can be found on the left hand side of this page.
<header class="container--baseline">
<h1 class="m--1 g--4">Navigation</h1>
<nav class="g--3 nav--horizontal">
<li><a href="">Nav link</a></li>
<li><a href="">Hello</a></li>
<li><a href="">Contact</a></li>
<li class="dropdown"><a href="">Dropdown</a>
<li><a href="">D Link</a></li>
<li><a href="">D Link</a></li>
<li><a href="">D Link</a></li>
<li><a href="">D Link</a></li>
<li><a href="">Portfolio</a></li>
To make your horizontal navigation responsive, use the following code before the .nav--horizontal class.
<input type="checkbox" id="nav--horizontal-responsive">
<label for="nav--horizontal-responsive">MENU</label>
<nav class="nav--horizontal g--4">
<aside class="nav--super-vertical g--2 g-med--3 g-small--6 g-tiny--12 no-margin-vertical">
<div class="g--12 logo-area no-margin-vertical">
Your logo here
<nav class="g--12">
<a href="">About</a>
<div class="nav-collapsible">
<input type="checkbox" id="nav-collapsible-1">
<label for="nav-collapsible-1">Components</label>
<div class="nav-collapsible-links">
<a href="../docs/alerts.html">Alerts</a>
<a href="../docs/animations.html">Animations</a>
<a href="../docs/buttons.html">Buttons</a>
<a href="">Contact</a>
To make your super vertical navigation responsive, use the following code before the .nav--super-vertical class.
<input type="checkbox" id="nav--super-vertical-responsive">
<label for="nav--super-vertical-responsive">MENU</label>
<nav class="nav--super-vertical g--2">
Number | Name | Age | Job |
521 | Ben | 23 | Front End Dev |
951 | Zoe | 21 | Care Worker |
444 | Simon | 22 | Film Producer |
Simple use the HTML table elements along with the .table-header class for the header.
<table class="g--8 card">
<tr class="table-header">
<td>Front End Dev</td>
<td>Care Worker</td>
Tooltips are hidden snippets of information that show when the user hovers over.
Lorem ipsum tooltip
Lorem ipsum really loooooooooooong tooltip
To use a tooltip, add an element with the class .tooltip and use data-text="" to specify the tooltips text.
<p>Lorem ipsum <span class="tooltip" data-text="Hello">tooltip</span></p>
<p>Lorem ipsum <span class="tooltip" data-text="Hello">really loooooooooooong tooltip</span></p>
The base elements of text.
Pellentesque luctus scelerisque odio at euismod. Integer purus massa, varius eget justo sed, ultricies ornare massa. Suspendisse commodo tortor maximus magna pulvinar, vel porta ligula placerat. Sed feugiat tortor quis nisl mattis, nec lobortis nisi faucibus. Pellentesque sed risus vel nisl molestie tincidunt. In suscipit quis nisl et iaculis. Ut sit amet sodales odio. Aenean pretium nec velit eget dictum. Aenean vestibulum magna quis nunc iaculis, ut accumsan nisl accumsan. Nunc ante metus, accumsan sed ornare porta, finibus ac odio. Integer eu tempus lorem. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Aliquam elementum, nulla a viverra tempor, lacus mauris auctor ex, quis pulvinar massa nulla id massa. Suspendisse convallis, ligula vitae auctor ultrices, lectus ex condimentum nisi, nec lobortis ipsum lectus et mauris. Phasellus ultricies mollis sapien, id elementum justo gravida non.
Simply use the base HTML elements for text.
For emphasis on a subtitle, add the .subtitle class.
For white or black text, add the .color--white class or the .color--black class.
<h1>Heading 1</h1>
<h2 class="subtitle">Heading 2 which is a subtitle</h2>
<h3>Heading 3</h3>
<h4 class="color--white">Heading 4 which is white</h4>
A bunch of useful utility classes.
Classes for floating and clearing elements.
<p class="left">I'm floating left.</p>
<p class="right">I'm floating right.</p>
<p class="clear">I'm clearing both.</p>
Classes for changing the display attribute on an element.
<p class="inline">I'm inline.</p>
<p class="inline-block">I'm inline-block.</p>
<p class="block">I'm block.</p>
By default, the grid system will apply padding and vertical margins. To remove these, use these classes.
<div class="g--1 no-pad">I have no padding.</div>
<div class="g--1 no-margin">I have no margin.</div>
<div class="g--1 no-margin-vertical">I have no vertical margins.</div>
Classes for centering text or elements.
<p class="center">I have margin: 0 auto</p>
<p class="text-center">I have text-align: center</p>